The year 2025 kicked off with great news: the Maritime Efficient & Easy Carbon Capture (ME2CC) consortium, in which we participate, receives funding from the Maritime Masterplan 2024.
The funding will drive the development, construction and demonstration of a first in kind compact, modular carbon capture system, to be installed aboard the LNG vessel Samskip Kvitbjorn. The captured CO2 from the vessel will be offloaded in port and transported to land-based CO2 hubs. Here, renewable electricity will be used to regenerate the CO2. The processed CO2 will then be prepared for valuable downstream applications, such as use in agriculture and other industries.
In this initiative, Brusche Process Technology will focus on assessing the feasibility of the CO2 stripper, and the downstream conversion of the captured CO2 into new synthetic maritime fuels. A key aspect of the study involves integrating the heat released and required across the various process steps, to minimize both energy footprint and cost.
Next to Brusche Process Technology, the ME2CC consortium, led by Value Maritime, consists of Samskip Holding B.V., B2B Marine, Fusie Engineers, Devoteq, Heatmaster BV and Yard Energy Group. Value Maritime is a leader in maritime sustainability, helping shipowners and operators to enhance their competitiveness through substantial emissions reductions and cost savings.
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