We have an engineering job. Can we turn to Brusche Process Technology?
Yes, you can. We also provide engineering for process plants, pilot and demoplants. We like to be involved in a project as early as possible!
We are looking for a party to maintain our process plants. Can we turn to Brusche Process Technology?
Brusche Process Technology can provide maintenance for process plants built by ourselves.
We have a process plant built by another party. We are not satisfied with this process. Can you help us?
Yes, we can help you. We have all the knowledge needed to streamline your process.
We need a party on short notice to develop a new process. Can we turn to Brusche Process Technology?
Yes, you can. We switch quickly, and we are flexibls. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
You have been in existence since 2021. Do you have enough experience to develop a good process?
Yes, we have. The people behind Brusche Process Technology are driven specialists with extensive experience in their field. The team also consists of experienced qualified people.